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ntot calculates the number of
pixels on a sphere and the size of pixels for a given resolution for
both GLESP and HEALPix scheme.
- ntot -nx 201 -np 402
calculates the total pixel number and size for GLESP scheme at
resolution (nx,np)=(201,402) and the corresponding parameters of the
nearest allowed resolution for HEALPix scheme.
- ntot -ns 512
calculates the total pixel number and size for HEALPix scheme at and the corresponding parameters of the nearest
allowed resolution for GLESP scheme.
- ntot -p 25
calculates the resolution parameters for GLESP scheme for pixel size 25
square arcmin and the corresponding parameters of the nearest allowed
resolution and total pixel number for HEALPix scheme.
Gauss Legendre Sky Pixelization