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mapcut modifies a map in various ways. It can single out an area (either circular or "rectangular") and set the temperature values to zero in the area or outside the area. Furthermore, it can systematically remove (by setting temperature value zero) or withhold multiple circular and/or "rectangular" areas by reading in a file containing those areas' radii/positions.

mapcut can dissect a "rectangular" area from a map and output to a file in FITS format, which can be viewed by xv program.

mapcut can truncate a map to a given temperature range. It can also display the temperature value at a given position in Galactic coordinate or read in multiple positions in various coordinate systems and display their temperature values.


  1. Selecting one zone:

  2. Selecting multiple zones:

  3. Displaying temperature values:

  4. Truncating the map temperature fluctuations:

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Verkhodanov Oleg 2009-04-01