Basic changes in the
Short review of programs and flags.
The programs 'polmap' and 'polalm' for calculation of
anisotropy and polarization maps and spectra have been created.
Other programs ('f2fig', 'alm2dl', 'mappat', 'mapcut', 'difmap',
'difalm') have been developed to take into account polarization
features and new functions.
The verison 3.2.1 of the
library is used instead of v.2.1.3.
The GLESP_2.0 package still contains the GLESP_1.0 program
'cl2map' but
is not developed due to the new programs for harmonic/map conversion:
'polmap' and 'polalm'.
The GLESP_2.0 package does not support the programs 'cmap'
and 'f2map'
from the GLESP_1.0 re-pixelizing maps from HEALPix to the GLESP format,
because this can be done with alm/map conversions.
However, the code of these programs can be found in the package yet.
The flag '-pin' is not used in GLESP anymore. Instead of this,
the flag '-gr' is in operation. Two main types of pixelization
work in the GLESP: a quasi-equal Area pixelization (flag '-gr a')
a pixelization with equal Number of pixels in each rings
(flag '-gr n').
(1) New procedures:
'polmap' - to convert a_lm's, and E- and B-modes to anisotropy map,
Q- and U-maps
'polalm' - to convert anisotropy map and Q- and U-maps
to a_{lm} coefficients and E- and B-modes.
Default pixelization scheme is set for equal number pixels per ring.
(2) Modified existing procedures:
'alm2dl' calculates angular power spectrum.
Addition have been to process polarization features.
'difmap' does arithmetics and algebra for map.
Addition have been done to calculate some polarization
'difalm' does arithmetics and algebra a_{lm}.
Addition have been done to calculate rotation in harmonic
domain, to transform coordinates to different
'f2fig' draws maps. Additions have been done to read polarization
format and to mark zones on a map.
'mappat' makes conversion of a GLESP maps and generate patterns.
Addition have been done to generate analytical maps, i.e.
by analytical formulae, and simulate extended sources.
'mapcut' modifies a map in various ways and read values of pixels.
Addition have been done to extract polarization Q,U-maps
from 3-map GLESP file and to detect parameters of an extended
source in an extracted area.
- (3) Implemented an extended GLESP FITS format to store
polarization data.
New flags in old programs
-t - extracts anisotropy data from polarization a_lm's file
-e - extracts E-mode coefficients from polarization a_lm's file
-b - extracts B-mode coefficients from polarization a_lm's file
-tbl - construct TB(l) correlation spectrum from the polarization
3a_lm's file or from 2 files of a_lm-format
-tel - construct TE(l) correlation spectrum from the polarization
3a_lm's file or from 2 files of a_lm-format
-dt dtheta - rotates by theta Euler angle 'dtheta'
-dp dphi - rotates by phi Euler angle 'dpi'
-ds dpsi - rotates by psi Euler angle 'dpsi'
-eq - converts current Galactic coordinates of alm to equatorial
-ec - converts current Galactic coordinates of alm to ecliptic
-q2e - converts current equatorial coordinates of alm to ecliptic
-q2g - converts current equatorial coordinates of alm to Galactic
-e2q - converts current ecliptic coordinates of alm to equatorial
-e2g - converts current ecliptic coordinates of alm to equatorial
-r - calculates relative difference of 2 alm samples: (a2-a1)/a1
-g - makes output of alm's in ASCII format (flag like in 'alm2dl')
-str - calculates simple statistics by rings of a map
-gp - roduces a map as diffential by phi: f_j - f_{j+1}
-gt - produces a map as diffential by theta: f_up - f_down
-q qfile - reads file with Q-map to calculate P_I = sqrt(Q*Q+U*U)
-u ufile - reads file with U-map to calculate P_I = sqrt(Q*Q+U*U)
-pa pol_ang_file - writes down position angle P_a = 0.5*atan(U/Q)
to file pol_ang_file (and flags '-q' & '-u')
-cw win - calculates a cross-correlation map.
-q - draws Q-map from the polarization map file
-u - draws U-map from the polarization map file
-cats file - puts radio soures on the plotted map from the
radio astronomy database
( )
output file
-gr g - plots the coordinate system on the sphere.
-fs formula - creates an analytical map pattern given with
a strin "formula"
-fpc catsASCII_file_ps - incorporates radio sources from the
( )
output file
-eq - sets flag to make input/output ASCII map in equatorial coor-s
-gal - sets flag to make input/output ASCII map in Galactic coor-s
-fe ext-source-file - reads extended sources from a list and puts
them on a map.
-ex par - extracts a single data set from the input 3map-polarization
If par=t, then the temperature anisotropy map will be
extracted and recorded to the output FITS file
If par=q, then Q-map will be
extracted and recorded to the output FITS file
If par=u, then U-map will be
extracted and recorded to the output FITS file
If par=1, then all maps will be
extracted and recorded to the output FITS file which
name will be formed as output name files with extensions
'_t', '_q, '_u' for T,Q,U-maps, respectively
-t - same as '-ex t'
-q - same as '-ex q'
-u - same as '-ex u'
-src - calculates and displays parameters of a source if it exists
in the area defined by flag '-sq'.
All the new flags are added to the corresponding manuals.
The PostScript manuals are included to the package as well.
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